Wrought iron grilles...
In this section of the gallery we will introduce hand-forged bars that protect against burglary, but at the same time represent art and beauty and complete the overall design of the building, chapel, wine cellar... The wrought-iron grilles from our offer are tailor-made to a specific customer, whether for windows or doors with the possibility of a fixed or opening grille. We will also be pleased to introduce you to individual styles, which are either associated with ancient history or return you to memories of grandma; you can even choose a modern style or focus more on the specific purpose of a building or interior such as a chapel, wine cellar...Another offer is forged well covers and shafts that fulfill the protective function and at the same time can become an original accessory to the garden. However, the forged covers can also be used in the interior, for example as a radiator cover. If you are thinking of closing exceptional cellars or historic buildings or new buildings in historic style, we offer you the possibility of a massive solid forged door, tailored again and according to the wishes of the customer. However, our experts will be happy to help you create a design that matches the overall design of your building. Wrought-iron grilles, covers and exterior doors are made in high quality with zinc anti-corrosion coating and paint finish, with a choice of copper, gold, silver or green patina.
Gallery |
Wrought iron classic |
Inspired by nature |
Avant-garde design

A wrough iron monument of st. Filomena with grille

Wrought iron grilles and A plated board of st. Barbara made in UKOVMI

A wrough iron monument of st. Barbara with grille

A hand-forged snake on a rod in the middle of a forged window grille

Forged scales as a symbol of medicine on window grilles – detail

Wrought-iron grilles Wave on the door of a pharmacy in Levoča

Wrought-iron works at the medical center in Levoča – grilles for doors, windows, and forged medical symbols

A wrought iron grille - roots

Forged sliding door, crafted for a family home – high quality doors

Forged sliding door in historic style

Artistic wrought iron grille in the shape of oak branch

A wrought iron grille in a wine cellar

A wrought iron grille - grapes

A wrought iron grille - grapes

Hand forged grille with a vine theme on a wine cellar

A wrought iron grille - Granny

A wrought iron door in a wine cellar

A wrought iron door in a wine cellar

A wrought iron grille - Crazy

A decorative wrought iron grille

A decorative wrought iron grille

A grille in a historical building

A chapel grille

A chapel grille

A wrought iron grille and an artistic blacksmith

A wrought iron grille in a hunter's cabin

A wrought iron grille

Wrought iron screens in a wine cellar

A fixed wrought iron grille

A movable wrought iron grille

A wrought iron grille in a bar - a hint of ancient history

A wrought iron well cover

A wrought iron dome above a well
To buy!
A wrought iron dome for a well

A wrought iron well cover

A wrought iron well cover

Wrought iron well accessories

A staircase wrought iron grille - HAPPY END Jasná

A wrought iron well cover

A wrought iron screen

A wrought iron grille - wheel

A wrought iron well cover

A wrought iron well cover

A wrought iron dome for a well - cobweb

A wrought iron dome for a well - cobweb - a detail

A wrought iron dome for a well

A wrought iron grille

A wrought iron grille

A wrought iron grille - Lubica Church

A wrought iron grille - Lubica Church

A wrought iron grille with a belly

A historic wrought iron grille

A wrought iron grille - a hammered sun

A metal door enhancing the overall interior design

Metal handrails and a door in an industrial style by Ukovmi company

A wrought iron facade of horse stalls

Metal grilles

A sliding metal door combined with wood

A door wrought iron grille

A wrought iron grille in a healthcare centre

A wrought iron grille - basement entrance

A wrought iron shaft cover

A wrought iron grille

A wrought iron well cover

A wrought iron radiator cover

A forged grille

Wrought iron shutter hinges

Wrought iron shutter hinges

A wrought iron gas metre door

Forged monument of Saints - writing, grille, characteristic feature. The book Way of Love, Writing Ave Maria

Forged monument of Saints, grille, writings, and characteristic features: Writings Fatima and Lurdy

Forged monument of Saints with characteristic features: Writing Charity, Miraculous Medal.

Forged monument of Saints with characteristic features: Tau sign, Bread

Forged monument of Saints, grille, writings and characteristic features: Heart, Cross

Forged monument of Saints with characteristic features: Writing IHS, Children

Forged monument of Saints with characteristic features: Minister stole, Letter with writing Repentance

Forged monument of Saints with characteristic features:A staff, a medal

Forged monument of Saints with characteristic features: Jar with fire, Lebanese Cross

Forged monument of Saints with characteristic features: Glasses, Plate with a spoon

Forged monument of Saints with characteristic features: Church, Monstrance

Event photography - believers by particular monuments

Traditional national pilgrimage in the mountain Butkov

Wrought-iron grilles on monuments at the pilgrimage place Butkov in Slovakia

A wrought iron well cover

A forged grille

A forged grille

A wrought-iron dome for a well with a pattern of grass

A wrought-iron dome for a well at the municipal office

A wrought-iron well cover

A wrought-iron dome on the well – detail of the UKOVMI logo

A wrought iron door

A wrought iron door - a historical door

A wrought-iron dome for a well

A wrought-iron dome for a well

Exclusive family house door

A wrought iron door with wood

A wrought iron entrance door with wood

A wrought iron entrance door with wood
Forged showcase with glass in a burgeois house from the 15. century in Spišská Nová Ves

Forged showcase with glass in a burgeois house from the 15. century in Spišská Nová Ves

Forged showcase in an old burgeois house in Spišská Nová Ves

Forged grille in a historic building

Overall view of the interior in the historic building from the 15. century – forging by UKOVMI

Historic grille, doors and showcases, forged by the Artistic Smithery UKOVMI, for a historic building
High quality forged door in historic style

Forged well cover, crafted for a family home in the region of Orava

Forged shaft cover, crafted for a family home in the region of Orava

Forged door protecting a gas meter

Forged well cover in the garden of a family home near Stropkov

Forged well cover and railing in the garden of a family home

Forged ornamental grille on a family house door

Forged accessories on a vintage cabin door
Vintage door with a hand forged handle and accessories