Sacral projects
Every product from our blacksmith's workshop is thoroughly worked out to the last detail. The masters of one of the oldest crafts try to breathe a bit of life and beauty into the production and reconstruction of period cultural monuments and sacred works of art.
Gallery |
Wrought iron classic |
Inspired by nature |
Avant-garde design
Renovation of the Renaissance grille from the beginning of the 18th century in the Basilica of St. James in Levoča
Restoration of the Renaissance grille in the church in Levoča

Wrought iron grilles made for a church in the village of Krásna Lúka in eastern Slovakia

Wrought iron grilles with a cross and a grape in the church in Krásná Lúka

A spiral handrail on the staircase of the church tower of the Renaissance church from the 16th century in Stropkov - Slovakia

Wrought iron railing and spiral handrail in the church tower of the Renaissance church from the 16th century in Stropkov - Slovakia

Wrought iron handrails made for the staircase of the church tower of the Renaissance church from the 16th century in Stropkov

A spiral handrail in the church tower - interior railings

Wrought iron railings and monuments with attributes of saints

Forged monument of Saints with characteristic feature: Wedding-rings, Roses

Forged monument of Saints, grille, writings, and characteristic features: Heart, Bible.

A wrought iron grille on a chapel of God´s mercy with stainless steel and copper wrought heart

A stainless steel flower pot made in UKOVMI

A golden plated board with stainless steel frame in the mountain Butkov

Stainless steel flower pots and candle holders - an inside overview of the chapel

A hand wrought iron cross made in UKOVMI company

Forged writing – devotional articles

A cross hand-forged by black-smiths from UKOVMI for a pilgrimage place Butkov

Wrought-iron board with an inscription made for the pilgrimage place Butkov in Slovakia

Hand-forged cross and board with an inscription made in UKOVMI for the pilgrimage place Butkov

Hand-forged monument with a plaque made in The Blacksmith's Art Studio UKOVMI for Butkov
Forged commemorative plaque

Stainless steel plate with a forged text

The gate of the family at the pilgrimage place Butkov in Slovakia – forged inscription and a board from UKOVMI

Stainless steel plaque with an inscription made for Butkov, the youngest pilgrimage place in Slovakia

Gold plated cross, sculpture of Christ in the Cross

A wrought iron key in golden patina

A hand wrought iron key made in UKOVMI

A sketch of the Rose Bush reliquary before its production - hand-forged reliquary in the church in Hermanovce - Slovakia

A rose bush reliquary in the church of St. Alžbety Uhorska in Hermanovce (Slovakia) - sacred art

A hand-forged reliquary Rose bush in the church in Hermanovce - Slovakia
A wrought iron candlestick in the church in the village of Sokoľ - Slovakia
An oak branch candlestick in the church in the village of Sokoľ near Košice - Slovakia
A hand-forged candlestick decorates the Christ the King church in Prešov - Slovakia

Wrought iron candlestick made in UKOVMI for the Christ the King church in Prešov - Slovakia
Hand-forged candleholder made for the church in Tulčík near Prešov in eastern Slovakia

Forged Bible stand, crafted for a church in Tulčík, near Prešov

Interior railing on the staircase and gallery in the church in Ladomirová - forged railing

Wrought iron railing made for a modern church in Slovakia

Railing on the gallery in the church in the east of Slovakia - forged railing

Wrought iron railing with wooden handrail on the gallery of the church

A wrought iron table in the Church of God's Mercy in Ladomirová near Svidník (Slovakia)

A wrought iron table in the church in the village of Ladomirová - sacral forging

Wrought iron handrail on the external staircase of the Greek Catholic church in Slovakia

A hand forged crown of thorns on a cross and a forged altar in Fričkovce - Slovakia

A hand-forged altar with a stone tablet near the cross in Fričkovce

Cross and a “Cirkev Bratská“ sign on a church, made of stainless

A stainless steel cross on a modern church

Sign on a church, made of stainless steel

A wrought iron cross

A wrought iron cross

A wrought iron cross in the church
Forged wall cross – a symbol of Christianity

Forged wall cross

Hand-forged cross with a crown of thorns

A stainless steel font cover
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A wrought wall cross - religious objects

A wall cross - hand forged decorated cross
A wrought iron wall cross - religious objects
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A big wall cross - wrought iron religious objects

Christian symbol - wrought iron cross on the wall
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A sculpture of Christ on a forged cross - religious objects
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A sculpture of Christ on a forged cross - religious objects
Forged wall cross - Christian symbol

A wrought iron bell holder by the church door - Tvarožná (Slovakia)

A fencing of the cemetery in Ľubotice - wrought iron gate and fence

Wrought iron gate and fence made in UKOVMI for the cemetery in Ľubotice

Fencing of the church with a hand-forged cross in the gate

Wrought iron gate with a cross made for a church

A wrought iron fence made for a cemetery - gates and fences

A well near the church in Ľubica with forged accessories

A wrought iron grille with a cross in the Roman Catholic church from the 13th century near Kežmarok - Slovakia

A wrought iron grille with a cross in the Roman Catholic church from the 13th century near Kežmarok - Slovakia

A wrouhgt iron grilles with a cross in the historic church in Ľubica

A wrought iron cross near the House of Peaceful Old Age in Lipany - Slovakia

Wrought iron handrails on the exterior staircase of the Greek Catholic church in Zlatník near Vranov nad Topľou - Slovakia

Wrought iron handrails on the exterior staircase of the Greek Catholic church in Zlatník near Vranov nad Topľou

Sacred art - forged cross made for the House of Peaceful Old Age in Lipany

Hand-forged flower pots Trees and Crazy railings

Railing developed and forged in UKOVMI for mountain Butkov in Slovakia